The Angus Lawson Memorial Trust

Newton's Great North Run for Tom

Jasmine Newton

Jasmine Newton

My Story

I introduced a very special man into the Newtons lives in December of 2018. He was this tall, confident and vivacious young man, who was great fun to be around, and not afraid to voice his opinion, yet so caring and considerate at the same time. This man was of course Tom Love - love by name, love by nature.

Tom and I had a truely special relationship that I am so fortunate to have had, and so grateful that he got to be in our lives for the short time that he was. Tom tragically passed away in the DRC in Africa at only the age of 21. Although Tom's time on this world was all too brief, he knew how to live life - travelling from the UK all along the West Coast of Africa solo on a motorbike, he will have made more memories than some would make in a lifetime. Tom was on his way to South Africa where he was supposed to be meeting us (the Newtons) after his long journey - a reunion that unfortunately will never be able to happen. 

Despite the great loss and hole in our hearts, we want to uphold Tom's memory and learn from Tom's thirst for life. Tom was wise beyond his years had a passion for doing, for living, and for loving - and we want his values and passions to be honoured. We will be raising money to put towards projects in Africa, and the UK - places that Tom had close to his heart, to really make a difference to children and young people's lives. 

Under the umbrella of the ALMT, the Tom Love Trust will be funding projects that support children and young people in deprived areas, improving access to education and healthcare, as well as developing young people’s horizons - showing them that you can follow your passions and give them a sense of adventure, whilst improving their quality of life.

To raise money for this cause, my brother Mackenzie, dad, Paul and myself, Jaz, will be running the Great North Run on the 10th September 2023. Every penny raised will go directly towards projects supporting children and young people.  

To find out more about The Tom Love Trust visit: 

Thank you for your support, from Paul, Iona, Millie, Jasmine, Mackenzie and pup Hari xxx



  • Target
  • Raised so far
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My Story

I introduced a very special man into the Newtons lives in December of 2018. He was this tall, confident and vivacious young man, who was great fun to be around, and not afraid to voice his opinion, yet so caring and considerate at the same time. This man was of course Tom Love - love by name, love by nature.

Tom and I had a truely special relationship that I am so fortunate to have had, and so grateful that he got to be in our lives for the short time that he was. Tom tragically passed away in the DRC in Africa at only the age of 21. Although Tom's time on this world was all too brief, he knew how to live life - travelling from the UK all along the West Coast of Africa solo on a motorbike, he will have made more memories than some would make in a lifetime. Tom was on his way to South Africa where he was supposed to be meeting us (the Newtons) after his long journey - a reunion that unfortunately will never be able to happen. 

Despite the great loss and hole in our hearts, we want to uphold Tom's memory and learn from Tom's thirst for life. Tom was wise beyond his years had a passion for doing, for living, and for loving - and we want his values and passions to be honoured. We will be raising money to put towards projects in Africa, and the UK - places that Tom had close to his heart, to really make a difference to children and young people's lives. 

Under the umbrella of the ALMT, the Tom Love Trust will be funding projects that support children and young people in deprived areas, improving access to education and healthcare, as well as developing young people’s horizons - showing them that you can follow your passions and give them a sense of adventure, whilst improving their quality of life.

To raise money for this cause, my brother Mackenzie, dad, Paul and myself, Jaz, will be running the Great North Run on the 10th September 2023. Every penny raised will go directly towards projects supporting children and young people.  

To find out more about The Tom Love Trust visit: 

Thank you for your support, from Paul, Iona, Millie, Jasmine, Mackenzie and pup Hari xxx

Jasmine Newton is fundraising towards